Hanging Rock


Trail: Hanging Rock Trail

Length: 2.4 miles

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance from Charlotte NC: about 2 hours

Features: beautiful views from the summit

Trail Tip: get to the park early, this park gets very crowded very fast


Before leaving the park we took a different trail from the parking lot to an amazing waterfall! Details below.

Trail: Upper Cascade Falls and Rock Garden

Length: .7 miles

Difficulty: easy

Features: a waterfall


Hanging Rock State Park features multiple trails for all skill levels. The hikes we chose were very pleasant but heavily trafficked. The summit has multiple viewpoints of the  Sauratown Mountain Range. We had a great time climbing on the rocks and checking out hanging rock itself. There are lots of great photo opportunities! This is a good hike for beginners or those hiking with children. If you are coming from Charlotte you will pass Winston-Salem on the way, I highly recommend stopping there for post hike food and drink! We love to stop at Foothills Brewing before we head back home. Some of our favorite things to order there are the veggie burger and soft pretzel. Another great day trip on the books, keep exploring friends!


Bluff Mountain


Stone Mountain